Who's Eligible?
PVWD programming is only eligible and accessible to participating agriculturally active landowners or producers in RMs within a watershed district. Please use the below selections to search your legal description to identify the RM you reside in or view the Pembina Valley Watershed District Map to check if you are within PVWD or another Watershed District.
List sub district board member names here or on about us page
Prairie Watershed Climate Program
STEP 1: Applicant Form
Download and electronically fill out or print to complete the Applicant Form (button above in green) and have a Professional sign off on your project.
We are currently at the end of a funding year and are processing our current project load. There are no guarantees that your application will be funded this year, but your application can be retained if funding becomes available.
Visit this page on our website and socials on the first of every month to stay updated with PWCP!
STEP 2: Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs)
Download and electronically fill, or print out, BMP application(s) below that your farm is implementing this year (2024).
$35/acre for seed and seeding costs
Underseed with main crop (intercropping), cover for shoulder season, or cocktail crop for grazing
Full-season annual and/or perennial crops in rotation
Agronomic support for seeding cover crop
Fencing and watering systems
Improving pasture composition for seeding legumes into pastures
Agronomic support for rotational planning
$10,000 claim limit
85% of cost for combined use of nitrification and urease inhibitor or use of dual inhibitor
$10,000 claim limit
85% of cost difference between PCU and Super U fertilizer and regular cost of nitrogen
Applicants cannot apply for PCU and Inhibitors on same acres.
85% of cost difference for standard nitrogen fertilizer and substitute
Up tp $35/acre for manure
Incorporate manure to reduce nitrogen evaporation
Manure, compost, or digestates
Soil testing
Soil Mapping
Agronomic support
Applicants will need to complete a nitrogen report if you are not submitting a second BMP application (exclusing equipment upgrade). Previous applications can count towards historical nitrogen usage.
Upgrading manure injection or incorporation equipment
Claims assessed on case-by-case basis
Applicants will need to complete a nitrogen report if you are not submitting a second BMP application (excluding soil testing, mapping, and support). Previous applications can count towards historical nitrogen usage.
Upgrading seeding equipment to allow for side dressing, mid-row banding, or fertilizer injection
Applicants will need to complete a nitrogen report if you are not submitting a second BMP application (excluding soil testing, mapping, and support). Previous applications can count towards historical nitrogen usage.
STEP 3: Send in Forms
Email your completed Applicant and BMP Form to or fax to 204-242-3281.
Please include invoices and photos if practice(s) have been completed. Application(s) with estimated costs will need to submit invoices and photos before December 2024.
PVWD cannot guarantee that you will receive project funds,
each project is reviewed and approved by a Board of Chairs.
Growing Outcomes in Watersheds
GROW promotes conservation of natural areas of changes to land uses that provide ecological goods and services by helping farmers develop projects that maintain or improve local watershed health and work for their operations. Below is a list of programs that producers can utilize.
Please contact a GROW coordinator in your area for more information, areas separated at the town of Manitou, MB.
West GROW Coordinator: Samantha Leech East GROW Coordinator: Dean Richards
Shallow Wetlands Incentive Program (SWIP) addresses class 1 & 2 wetlands that are hold water in the spring and over the year can still produce a crop. Cash incentive payments are offered up to $150/acre for ten years for the protection of these wetlands. You are still able to farm these acres when you are able, provided they are not filled or drained.
Flooded Areas
Assistance for farmers who experience regular overland flooding caused by upstream drainage, or waterways flowing outside their banks. Establishment costs are covered up to $100 an acre. Annual incentive payments based on land values are provided to a maximum of $120 an acre.
Marginal Lands & Saline Areas
Seeding of marginal croplands to permanent cover can improve the quality and productivity of the land around it. Funding will cover seed costs for sowing forages on class 4 or 5 cropland and saline areas under cultivation. You can harvest the forage and receive a cash incentive payment each year to keep the land in permanent cover.
Water Retention and Wetland Enhancement
On farm water storage is a key component of flood peak mitigation and drought protection. PVWD design and build small dams for agricultural use and to enhance the environment. These water retention structures improve water quality, create habitat, reduce erosion, and mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Stream Crossings
Stream Crossings for livestock and farm equipment provide a dependable travel corridor for all seasons. Crossings can be installed at key access points on your farm to improve riparian health.
Shelterbelts in agriculture landscapes can help retain moisture, reduce soil erosion, improve wildlife habitat, and help to replenish drinking water aquifers. Funding is available to cover the cost of establishing a new shelterbelt.
Fencing and Watering Systems
Riparian protection along surface water bodies is important to improve ecosystem health and water quality. Funding is available to help cover the cost of installing riparian fencing and watering systems.
PVWD Programs
Pembina Valley Watershed District (PVWD) has continuous programming within available to all participating sub-districts/RMs. Eligibility is open to any agricultural landowner or producer within PVWD; district specific programs are identified per program.
Water Assistance
Projects to enhance water management capabilities at the farmer and watershed level. This program includes construction of small dams, temporary back-floods, on-farm water retention basins and more.
Sealing abandoned wells maintains groundwater quality and removes hazards to people and livestock. Landowners pay $150.00 per well, PVWD covers remaining cost.
Drop off Dates June 4th and June 18th, 2024.
PVWD will send samples to Winnipeg for lab testing. Sample bottles available all year for producer to pickup.
We provide water tank, chlorine, and other necessary tools to perform a shock chlorination. Cost is $100.
Soil Assistance
Funding is available to install crossings in key access points on producers farms to improve riparian areas.
Equipment Renting
Tree planter(s) are for any landowner to use, free of charge. We will have 3 available for this planting season.
Mulch applicator is for any landowner to use after planting seedlings to help with weed control, free of charge.
Available for residents in Upper Pembina and Lower Pembina Sub-district. Rental fee of $1.50/acre.